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The LineUp at Wai Kai Careers and Employment in Ewa Beach, HI

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The LineUp at Wai Kai

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Ewa Beach | US

The LineUp at Wai Kai is a modern Hawaiian experience, unlike anything else on the islands, for today's waterman and active lifestyle community with surfing, paddling, dining, entertainment, relaxing and enjoying times with family, friends and colleagues. Located in Ewa Beach on Oahu's Westside, Wai Kai is going to create a hub for the local community and visitors to Oahu.

The LineUp’s headline attraction is the Wai Kai Wave -the world’s largest deep-water standing surf wave at 100-feet wide. Powered by citywave®, the technology creates authentic surfing conditions with perfect endless and adjustable waves from two-feet to head-high for all skill levels allowing the use of standard surfboards with fins for big carving turns and top-to-bottom surfing on its glassy wave face.

The LineUp overlooks the Wai Kai Lagoon, a sheltered 52-acre lagoon that provides the ideal setting to showcase the paddling and waterman culture so prominent in Hawai'i from SUPs, OCs, kayaks and fun recreational pedal boats and Duffy boats to tour the lagoon.

The LineUp will also feature:

  • The LookOut Food & Drink - overlooking the Wai Kai Wave with views of the Wai Kai Lagoon and beyond to the pacific ocean that borders the south side of the Wai Kai Lagoon
  • FOAM Coffee & Bar - A boardwalk cafe overlooking the Wai Kai Lagoon
  • Sessions Lifestyle & Apparel - featuring a collection of contemporary Hawai'i style products with a focus on sustainable and local brands
  • The Nalo Kai Club - a day-use or monthly membership clubhouse setting with access to the adjacent member-only beach next to the lagoon and activity dock
  • VIP Surfside Cabanas will provide an exclusive setting for families or groups of friends to set up as their base camp for a fun day of surf and paddling and relaxing

The Wai Kai venue will launch in 2023 with all the features of LineUp described above plus additional restaurants, special events lawn and group spaces.

The LineUp at Wai Kai is managed by Surf Park Management - SurfParkManement.com

1501 Lincoln Blvd.#1014 Venice, CA. 90291