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Überleben Careers and Employment in Bonners Ferry, ID

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Bonners Ferry | US

We believe that less is more. We believe in quality over quantity. We believe in respecting tradition, while continually challenging it. And above all, we believe that fire is absolutely non-negotiable. 

Überleben is German word meaning to survive — and/or, to live. While those words appear the same, they're somewhat different. Fire is essential to survival. However, "survival" is not the reason we trek into the woods after work on a Wednesday afternoon. We’re doing this because something deep inside us is still whispering, “build fire or die”. Subconsciously, we're not attempting to escape physical death -- but psychological death. We long to live. Not merely survive. We're chasing the experience, and we exist to share that experience with others. 

Sandwiched between Montana, Washington, and Canada -- Überleben is strategically headquartered in Bonners Ferry, ID. Literally, the best place on earth. If you're ever up this way, come say hi.

1501 Lincoln Blvd.#1014 Venice, CA. 90291